The Power of Now Index
It was such a joy to go through the book, The Power of Now, and create an index. The very act was delightful and led me to review and remember to apply myself to the teachings. Every new word or subject brought me at least a small contemplation. And it added up to a one large contemplative practice that often brought me squarely in front of the mirror of truth leaving me to further surrender myself. My hope is that this index might help those who appreciate the teachings of this book more easily locate and reference material that is needful to them. Others may organize their work—counseling or coaching perhaps—by utilizing this index. Nothing of this nature can be studied, certainly not memorized, like other subjects so the intent of this index is not in that direction. Finally, I made choices as to what to include as important concepts and “pointers.” It is definitely not comprehensive, nor may it include everything you’d want. But I hope you find it helpful and a blessing.
(Note: some subjects/words in parentheses are not found in the book but are conceptually similar and included as they may be helpful for those who attempt to search for such items.)
I dedicate this to truth, and in honor of Eckhart Tolle

Seattle, Washington 2009
A Course in Miracles 115; 152; 156
A new earth 166
abuse/abusive – 188
acceptance (accepting what is 29); 148; the moment you completely A. your non–peace 161
achievement – (see action, doing, creating); identity/self worth from external factors/A. 153; surrender is perfectly compatible with taking action, initiating change, or achieving goals 173
acknowledge – (an act of
action (clear, incisive, effective intuitive response 55); from insight 68; acting to improve 71; you can still be active and enjoy manifesting and creating new forms and situations (not identifying with them) 152; high/low A. 153; positive action 172; Surrender is perfectly compatible with taking action, initiating change, or achieving goals 173; surrendered action 174; if you cannot surrender, take action immediately 178; actionless activity 179
addicted to other person 124; addiction 125/126; addictive clinging 128
aging process 102
Aldus Huxley 159
alert – have to be A. (because ego is cunning) 179
allowing 148
aloneness 127; 145
analyze 45
anger 132
argue 132; argument (in relationship…surrender as answer) 178
attachment 126; to pain 140; detached 162
attention (awareness) 75; key to transformation 99
attraction – male/female 125
avoid–ing,–ance 127; 131
awe–inspiring 116
Banzan great Zen master 161
beauty 79; 80
Being – being, consciousness and life are synonymous 81; 89; ; 157
belief (b. doesn’t make it true 31)
Bhagavad Gita / Karma Yoga (non–attachment to the fruit of your actions 57
Bible 82, Adam & Eve 94; Gospel of Thomas 111; Old Testament 137; Adam & Eve/Genesis/Good and Evil 148; St. Paul 166; Book of Revelation 166; Book of Revelation/Apocolypse 187
body (uncovering through emotions 22)(energy field of body doorway to being 22); body awareness keeps you present 75; mortification of the flesh 95; bodywork 173
breath work / breathing 104
Buddha/Buddhism/Buddhist 10 (not getting that E. is for you and I); 113; 115; 117; 153; 154; 166
care/caring – don’t confuse surrender with not caring 175
Carl Jung 62
causal – C. level 169
challenge = disguised opportunity 135
change identified mind resists change154; surrender is perfectly compatible with taking action, initiating change, or achieving goals 173; attempt to C. people 178
chi 108
choose/choice – favorite New Age term 188; no one C’s dysfunction, conflict, pain 190
Christ 86; C. identity 111
Christianity/Christian 95; (Way of the Cross) 186
clinging to another 124; 128
codependency 128
collective consciousness 55
communication = communion 130; true C. begins 179
compete 172
complaining 68;
compassion 162; two aspects of C. 163; dual nature of true C. 167; (168); 190
compulsion to judge 128; to do 153
conditions, seen from higher perspective are always positive 147
conditioning 15
conflict – no one at one with himself (enlightened) can conceive of conflict 151; C. situation…in relationship…surrender as answer 178;
conscious(ness) – indication of your level of c. 61/62; being, consciousness and life are synonymous 81; level of c. below mind 85; C. death 118; C. immortality 118
control(ing) 177
compulsive thinking 92
craving 166
creativity 19, creative use of mind 105; you can still be active and enjoy manifesting and creating new forms and situations (not identifying with them) 152; high/low C. 153
crisis C. = opportunity 131
criticize 178
cunning – ego is C. 179
cut off from their feelings 134
dangerous activities (high–risk sports) 42
death/die 38 (die to yourself/reality behind death 38); C. death 118; near–death experience 118; death of false self 119; die before you die 163; enter D. consciously 186; only the ego dies 186
defensive 36; 132
Descartes 12
desire 25
despair – (D. relationship to enlightenment) 154; surrender to the S. 184
dependency – on form 156
detached 162
die (see death)
disability – 181
disaster – 182
discouraged – don’t be D. 158
doing (“how” of your D. 56) doing imbued with a sense of quality, care and love 56; see also act/acting/action; from beingness a greater quality of consciousness will flow into your doing 149
dominate 172
down cycle – essential for spiritual realization 152
drama 150
dream dreamless sleep 110; lucid D. 110
drug – other in romantic relationship 124
(dualistic) – “play of opposites” 152; ten thousand things 116
ducks (story of duck fight 157/158)
dukkha – Pali word meaning “suffering” or “unsatisfactoriness” 153
earth – a new E. 166
ego 18 (relate to pain–body 31) (vulnerability 36) (lack of completeness 37); egos are drawn to bigger egos 87; 150; E. is cunning 179
emergency, not a “problem” 54
emotion 20, (vs. love/joy 23) (subject to law of opposites 23) (strong e. charge calls for intense presence 46) (uncovering through emotions 22); “neg./positive” polarity 66; 142; recurring negative E. contain a message 158
empathy – true compassion goes beyond E. 163; E. needs to be balanced 168
empty/emptiness 113 (Form is emptiness, e. is F. 113)
energy – collective E. field 87; times of high and low E. 153; ducks releasing surplus energy 158; mind energy 176; spiritual energy 177
enjoy see joy
enlightenment 19, 47, 89; 128; (true and false 135); relationship with self ends with E. 145; E. in relationship to despair 154; Transform Illness Into E. 180; E. through suffering 188
eternity 86; E. an attribute of God 117
evil (Eckhart prefers “unconsciousness” or “insanity” 56)
evolution human & e. of consciousness 56
existence 114
espress(ion) of thoughts and feelings 133
failure/success 57; F. essential for spiritual realization 152
fear (don’t need f. to avoid danger 35)(instinctive shrinking back from danger <>psychological condition of fear 35)(loss, failure, hurt –death/annihilation 36)(motivated by f. 55) f. of failure 57; 69; surrender to the F. 184
feeling – substitute for the feeling of life 71; noble F. 163
female collective F. pain–body 138
Freud 63;
form, beyond name and form 149
forgiveness 99 (F. is to offer no resistance to life / The mind cannot forgive. Only you can 99); 149; 190/191
(“fruit of spirit”/ “spiritual essences”) beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace 14 (vs emotion 23)(love,joy,peace not emotions 23–24)(joy distinction from pleasure 24); 148
form – you can still be active and enjoy manifesting and creating new forms and situations (not identifying with them) 152
gap(s) 80, 85
God/God–essence 82; 97, 111; silence like God 113; 114; body of 117, attributes of (infinity & eternity) 117; to “know God” 122; 127; 129; Goddess 137; peace of G. 163; God is no–thing 187; suffering not inflicted by G. 187
goals okay 47; surrender is perfectly compatible with taking action, initiating change, or achieving goals 173
grace 131; 155
gratitude 72;
grief – surrender to the G. 184
happiness 147; 148
heal – H. in widest sense 167
here and now 68–69; (“Attention. Here and Now” Huxley’s book Island 159)
honest – must be totally honest with yourself (since ego is cunning) 179
“how” of your doing 56
Huxley, Aldous 159
I Am 15; 86; 89
identy /identification (forms 37); from external factors/achievement 153; identified mind resists change154
disidentification 12, 17,18 21, 26 (from pain–body broken 31)
illness – caused by ego’s continuous resistance 150; many I. caused by fighting cycle of high/low energy 153; intelligence of the organism (may create an illness) 153; I. contains a message 158; Transform I. Into Enlightenment 180; no illness in Now 181; idea of Illness 181
immune – (as consciousness 65) body’s immune system 102;
impermanence – 153
infinity – attribute of God 117
inner–body awareness 97/98, as portal 110
inner peace 147
inner purpose 73;
innocence – (of being) 180
insanity (Eckhart prefers “unconsciousness” or “insanity” over “evil” 56)
insensitive 134
insight 68; 177
integrity 157
intelligence – of the organism (may create an illness) 153
irritation 159
“isness” of the moment 172
jealousy 132
Jesus 83, 95, 99, 110; 115; 153; 169; 174; 177; 189
joy 16 (joy distinction from pleasure 24) Joy of being 56 (joy, ease, lightness 56); you can still be active and enjoy manifesting and creating new forms and situations (not identifying with them) 152; nothing can give you J. 153
judge, –ing 45; compulsion to J. 128; 133
Karma Yoga see Bhagavad Gita
karma – karmic cycle 167
label 178
Lao Tse 116 (ten thousand things 116)
Life – being, consciousness and life are synonymous 81;
life situation 51/52 (see “situation”); as seen from higher perspective are always positive 147
light – only L. can recognize L. 87; you become the “light of the world” 167
lila 82/83
limit–situation – 182
listening 105
loneliness – surrender to the L. 184
loss – down cycle essential for spiritual realization 152
love (L.,joy, peace not emotions 24) (false love 24); L. = realization of oneness 105; not a portal 112; 115; L. as continuous state 124; “in love” 126; 128; L. your enemies 169
majesty 79; majestic 116
manipulate, –tion 177
Marcus Aurelius 149
meditation 17, 111
Meister Eckhart 43
men – major obstacle tends to be the mind 138;
menstrual cycle 33; M. flow 139; during M. 141
mind 19, creative use of M. 105; identified mind resists change154; mind energy 176
miracle of surrender 161; 162
mistake 69;
mortality & vulnerability 162
mystery (sacredness, m., reverence) 44/45
name – beyond name and form 149
nature, sacredness of 79;
neediness 124
negativity 50 (too much future & too much past 50)(n. = suffering/unhappiness 50/51); do you truly know what is negative? 147; N. = resistance 156; N. is unnatural 157
New Age – 188
no–mind 16,19
no–thing – 187 (“nothing”)
nonresistance – in face of violence 179; (see nonviolence)
nonviolence – (free mind of) concepts, including concept of nonviolence 180
nothing 114; as God, “no–thing” 187
Now (see time) (eternal present 41)(Power of Now/accessing 44/45) (present moment is all you ever have 48); 157
opportunity – crises = O. 131
opposites – see dualism/duality; 169
pain 23 (forms: resentment, pity, etc 26) (two levels: present and past 26) (pain = non–acceptance/resistance 27)(pain – illusion 31); death is only painful if you cling to illusion 119; 127; 128; down cycle essential for spiritual realization 152; physical P. 181
pain–body (victim/perpetrator 31)(= “dark shadow cast by ego” 31)(p–b transmuted 32) (momentum 32)(consists of 32)(physical symptoms of 32)
paranoia 173
peace 148; P. of God 163
perceive/perception 172
perfect 157
perpetrators/victims 128; 138
personal/impersonal 85
plan/planning/making plans 174/175
pointers (sign posts) 114
pollution – planet and inner p. 65;
portal(s) 110–119; involuntary portal (death) 118
positive – do you truly know what is positive? 147
presence 31, (become present 25)
prison – if you are in P. 178
problems (mind loves p. 53)(identity and p. 54)(example of emergency not a problem 54) (p. are illusions 54); no P. in the Now 181
projection 133
purity – (of being) 180
reaction – non–reaction 161; 177
reality – different order of R. 164
realization – 191
regeneration – cycle of low energy vital to R. 153
reject – you will…R.
relationship 123; R’s as spiritual practice 130; R. with self ends with enlightenment 145; R.’s changed profoundly by surrender 178
resignation is not surrender 172
resistance 34 R. vs. attention 56; ; 148; suffering is ego–created and due to R. 151; identified mind resists change154; R. = negativity 156; nonresistance 161; (see surrender, opposite of R.); R = mind 172; unconscious R. made conscious 175
respect 115
response (clear, incisive, effective intuitive response 55)
responsibility – take R. for your life 178
reverence (sacred, mystery, r. 44/45)
right (need to be r. 36) (having to be r./violence 36)
romantic relationships 123
root in yourself 75;
Rumi 43
sacredness/mystery/reverence 44/45; s. of nature 79;
sadhanna 132
sadness 148
salvation (now, not in future time 50/51); true S. 122;128
satori 79; 80;
“selfness” 128
signpost 96
silence 112, like God 113
sin 90
situation (life situation 51/52)(“problems” vs situations 53)(deal with it or accept it 53)(choice/decision 54)(clear, incisive, effective intuitive response 55); improving life S. 71; as seen from higher perspective are always positive 147; you can still be active and enjoy manifesting and creating new forms and situations (not identifying with them) 152; limit–situation 182
sleep 84, dreamless 110
source 96
space – S. & time, nature of 116;
stillness (the infinitely creative womb of all existence 114)
story, person’s S. is their ego 151
stress 69
striving 71
success/failure 57
suffering (=negativity/unhappiness 50/51); S. is ego–created and due to resistance 151; surrender to…whatever form the S. takes 184; enlightenment through S. 188
Sufism 43
surrender 28, 69; 111; 157; miracle of S. 161; Meaning of S. 171; not passivity 171; S. = yielding the flow of life 171; (see resistance, opposite of S); resignation is not S. 172; S. is perfectly compatible with taking action, initiating change, or achieving goals 173; surrendered action 174; don’t confuse surrender with not caring 175; surrendered action 174; relationships changed profoundly by surrender 178; How will I know when I have surrendered? 191
sympathy – true compassion goes beyond S. 163/164
Tao – Tao Te Ching 137; Taoism/wu wei 179
teacher/master/(guru) – 88
ten thousand things (Lao Tse) 116; (see dualistic)
threat – nothing real can be threatened 58; perceived as T. 172
Tibetan Book of the Dead 118
time (see Now) (enlightened person is peripherally aware of time 47) (memory & anticipation 40) (past gives identity & future = promise of salvation 40) (clock time 46 psychological time 46–49) (goals okay 47) (t. as adventure 47/48) (present moment is all you ever have 48) (too much future & too much past = negativity 50) (salvation now, not in future time 50/51); nature of space & T. 116
transformation 95
unconsciousness (Eckhart prefers “unconsciousness” or “insanity” over word “evil” 56); levels of unc./ordinary and deep 60
unhappiness (=negativity/suffering 50/51)
unmanifested, the 115
unresponsive 134
value 115
victims/perpetrators 128 ; 138; V. identity 140
violence 138
vulnerability 162, through becoming V., can you discover your true and essential invulnerability 180
watcher, the – 83
“what if” thoughts 75
Weakness – 181
withdrawn 134
women – are closer 136; major obstacle tends to be pain–body 138
words 90
wu wei – 179
yoga /Karma Yoga see Bhagavad Gita
Zen 43, 78; 79; (86); cats as Z. masters 157; Banzan 161