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Peaceful imagesHelp and Guidance

Living Awareness offershelp for health and growth from an Integral Spiritual perspective. Sessions and/or guidance are provided for a fee, and are available in person, by phone and/or Email. In those cases where fees are waived or reduced, donations are requested Email or call us for an initial inquiry.

Personal Guidance & Consultations

Clearing Sessions (personal, relationship, family & core issues)
Resolve your current problems, issues regarding relationships and/or guilt, and fixed patterns that limit one in life. Increase your ability to know yourself, relate to others, and achieve goals. In the clearing setting… more about Clearing

Presence-centered Guidance (personal, relationship, family & core issues + spiritual consulting)
Resolving your current problems and core issues from the spiritual perspective of Presence—a "formless" spiritual perspective found in most all spiritual traditions and made popular by Eckhart Tolle. Your preferred religious and/or spiritual perspectives, including Christianity, Buddhism and others, can most always be held within this context. Email or call us for an initial inquiry.

Relationship Work (See Clearing Sessions and Presence-centered Guidance above)

Spiritual Consulting (Including "Spiritual Emergency" consulting)
Spiritual consulting can take many forms and points of view. While predominantly "Presence-based," we each have a rich background… more about Spiritual Consulting

Energetic Healing (Breathwork)
Karen Lynn has decades of experience working from a spiritual perspective that induces healing through breath and some other forms of bodywork. Email or call us for an initial inquiry.

More on Personal Guidance & Consultations

Clearing Sessions
Resolve current problems, issues regarding relationships and/or guilt, and fixed patterns that limit one in life. Increase your ability to know yourself, relate to others, and achieve goals. In the clearing setting you are instructed through “exact communication processes.” It is like a personal contemplation that allows stuck, unresolved aspects of yourself to be addressed and communicated. Importantly, you are fully received and understood by the Clearer.

The process is built around the fact that when we have not been allowed to fully experience, express and be received by another, we build up “mind-stuff,” we build up a charge that is never released. Recipients typically feel relieved, released, or “cleared.” Often significant insights are gained. Often one session is sufficient for a current problem, whereas one session per week is good for addressing ongoing problems. Session “intensives” are also available for critical or deep issues. Once relieved, a person can then move through life without further aid or continue with clearing sessions for deeper growth. Email or call us for an initial inquiry.

Spiritual Consulting (Including “Spiritual Emergency” consulting)
Spiritual consulting can take many forms and points of view. While predominantly “Presence-based,” we each have our own rich background of various religious and spiritual traditions that we can work within. (needs more text) “Spiritual Emergency” describes the emergence of one’s spirituality that, while often liberating or even ecstatic, may at times become emotionally, mentally or even physically disruptive. This emergence is a healthy spiritual development, however, because it can seem so disruptive, consultations are very reassuring and helpful. Both Karen and Kurt have personal experience with spiritual emergence as well as experience working with others in their spiritual emergence, including non-ordinary states of consciousness. Email or call us for an initial inquiry.

Living Awareness is a spiritual organization. Read full text of our Organizing Principles

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