A New Earth Index
It has been a labor of love to sift through Tolle’s A New Earth, and in the process I gained tremendously, realizing deeper insights along the way. And, from time to time it was also personally challenging as I found myself convicted, called to be more honest about myself and let go of some sense of self that was nothing more than an illusion—someplace where I had “gotten in my own way.”
I hope this will serve you to study or apply Tolle’s work, whether it be for yourself or some practice of helping others, such as counseling, coaching, teaching or public speaking.
There is some risk in presenting an index as some may get lost in the “categorizing” of ideas and concepts. This is certainly not my intent. All of these words and concepts are only pointers and it is my hope that the reader/user can utilize the index with that understanding, within that context. Finally, this index is definitely not comprehensive, nor may it include everything you’d want. But I hope you find it helpful and a blessing.
My efforts are in honor of the work of Eckhart Tolle and what it points to—the Truth.

Seattle, Washington 2009
A New Earth done with p 239–
A New Earth – (book title, biblical reference) 23;
absolute – absolutely real 209; Absolute Truth (vs Relative Truth) 69;
abundance – Abundance 190; acknowledging the good in your life is foundation for abundance 190; whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world 190/191; outflow determines inflow 191;
acceptance – (see also “allowing”); A of form of Now 252/253;
achievement – As of humanity 9;
addictions – 246+; (exercise to address A: 247);
aging – see "return movement"
alcohol – and pain–body 149; 229
alertness – 126 (see also awareness, etc)
alienation – 131
aliveness – 235; feeling the A of the inner body 252;
allow(ing) – allowing/accepting (crucial to dissolving of pain–body) 184; when you allow this moment to be as it is (dissolve time & ego) 207;
ananda (the bliss of being) – 234
anger – 136 (see unhappiness)
atman – A = German word for breathing, derived from Sanskrit word Atman;
attachment – (see also "nonattachment"); if you become upset and/or anxious it means you're attached 45;
attention – roles designed to gain (personal egoic) attention 85; two kinds of attention: form–based and formless 103; ("or consciousness" 252); (in sense of "wanting to be seen" 255);
attention span – short A S 232
Augustine, St. – 72
awaken – recognition of ego is awakening 8; Awakening (related to salvation, end of suffering, liberation & enlightenment) 13; people with heavy pain–bodies have a better chance to awaken spiritually 143; Pain–Body as Awakener 180; to A is our purpose 210; A spiritually (when) compulsive/unconscious naming ceases 240;
Awakening (process & integration) 259; A is conscious connection with universal intelligence (Presence) 259; return movement in a person's life carries great potential for spiritual awakening 284
aware/awareness – awareness and ego cannot coexist 64; A is the greatest agent for change 99; with awareness comes disidentificaiton from thoughts, emotions and reactions 117; the moment you see the dysfunction it begins to dissolve 204; 228; awareness of breathing to create gaps in thinking 243; am I aware of the Now...? 252; use A of inner body to create space (leaves part of attention/consciousness formless) 252:
bad – Good and Bad 195
balanced human life – 219
beauty – 2; 234
Being/–ness – (see also 'joy of Being'); each thing has Beingness 37; B, Source, God 79; doing is never enough if you neglect Being 103; balance between human and being 104; deeper emotions are not really emotions but states of Being (love, joy, peace) 137; states of Being can be obscured, but they have no opposite 137; knowing yourself is to be rooted in Being, instead of lost in your mind 186; "God" 220; 235; inner purpose concerns Being and is primary 258; the whole is made of existence and Being 277
belief/belief systems – ideologies/belief systems 15; knowing yourself goes far deeper than the adoption of a set of ideas or beliefs 186; who you are requires no belief…in fact, every belief is an obstacle 189;
Biblical reference – (see "Jesus" multiple references); 9; 23; 56; Old Testament 227;
blame – 187; 214
body – body’s intelligence 132; body cannot tell between actual situation and thought 134; physical body is misinterpretation of who you are 250; physical B reveals as formless when you go deeper 251; enter the body to go beyond it 252;
boredom – 257
brain – 293
breath – 243+; in ancient times B. was equated with spirit 245; German word for breathing = atman 245;
Buddha/Buddhist – 2; jewel in lotus flower 5; humanity's early flowers 6; dukkha 9; end of suffering 13; Gautama Siddhartha 14; word buddha 14; Zen & Dzogchen 16; 70; 78; 89; 110; 115; 221; B cycle of rebirth 252;
Cambridge University – 211
Camus, Albert – 131
caste (class) system – 89
chaos – Chaos and Higher Order 194
child / child rearing – see parenting; childhood 141–143; pain–body passed from generation to generation 148; The Pain–body in Children 169; pain–body in children usually manifested as moodiness, withdrawal, weeping fits or temper tantrums 169; children learn (ego & pain–body) subliminally by living with the (unconsciousness of their) parents 170;
Christianity – dove/Holy Spirit 5; sin 9; Gnosticism 16; (history) 18 & 69; Christ (suffering on cross and pain–body) 144;
Churchill, Winston – 227
cleverness – see negativity/ego; C divides, intelligence includes 112; C motivated by self–interest 112
class system (see caste s)
clock time – (see time); psychological time vs. clock time 207 & 265;
collective ego – 120; The Collective Ego 125; collective ego more unconscious than individuals (in group) 126; enlightened collectives 127;
collective mind 230
communism – (example of attempting to use an ideal without addressing the ego) 13;
compassion – 130
complaining – 'Complaining and Resentment' 61;
complexity – 279
compulsive thinking – 276
concepts – (see also ‘words,’ mind, thought) words and concepts split life into separate segments that have no reality in themselves 128;
confused/confusion – C is “I don’t know but I should know,” looking to conceptual definitions to find (self/truth) 90;
conscious parenting – 103
conscious suffering – 101
consciousness – C of human beings p1; thinking is (only) a tiny aspect of (total) consciousness 130; unprecedented influx of consciousness (now) on the planet 182; object C 227; space C 227; C = who you are 242; (traditional word for C = spirit 242; cannot know C, but can become conscious of C itself 243; use awareness of inner body to create space (leaves part of attention/consciousness formless) 252: Consciousness (section) 291; C is awakening from the dream of form 293;
content – Content & Structure of Ego – 34; content, not essence (of who you are) 193;
contentment – 234;
cooperation – cooperation is alien to the ego 123;
counseling – help with violent pain–body 149; (psychoanalysis 193)
creativity – 130; all C comes out of inner spaciousness 239
crises – C tied to evolutionary leaps 20
dancing – 229
death – D (in ego) becomes a seeming reality & threat 127; 209; 284
defense/defensive – 68; 187; 214
dependency – 228
Descartes – philosopher 54
desire – D 12; to excel, win, succeed 264
determination – 258
differentiated – 278
dimension of time – = dimension of doing and future 263
disappointment/disapproval – parent’s D/D of a child 99
discontent – 113; 116;
disease – unhappiness is an ego–created mental–emotional disease 110; disease in the body 111;
disidentification – from the mind 113; (see identification); with awareness comes D from thoughts, emotions and reactions 117;
dissolution – (of personal form) in return movement 284
doing – doing is never enough if you neglect Being 103; awakened doing 293
DNA – and pain–body 143
drama – ‘peace or drama’ 77
dream(er) – 208; D is short–lived play = world 209; Dreamer is consciousness itself 210; new D = new earth 210; consciousness incarnates/becomes form and enters dreamlike state 292; human ego is final stage of universal sleep 292; consciousness is awakening from the dream of form 293;
dukkha – 9
earth – New Earth 279
eating disorders – 50
effort – 258
ego – ego trick to identify 8; recognition of ego is awakening 8; both consciousness (moving from ego) and entrenchment & intensification of ego (current state of world) 19; E is identification with form/thought forms 22; Ego: The Current State of Humanity 25; Content & Structure of Ego – 34; ego isn't wrong it's just unconscious 42; "less than" 42; ego equates having with Being 45; "not enough" 46; content & structure of ego 48; E is conglomeration of recurring thought forms and conditioned mental–emotional patterns 54; 'The Core of Ego' 59; "mind–made self comprised of thought and emotion that is the ego" 60; ego implies unawareness 64; E is clever but not intelligent; Beyond Ego: Your True Identity 77; Ego’s need to feel superior 81; Ego and fame 82; Role–playing: The Many Faces of Ego 85; pathological forms of ego 87; all egoic motivations are self–enhancement and self–interest 98; pathological ego – 109; unhappiness is an ego–created mental–emotional disease 110; ego cannot distinguish between situation and (either) interpretation or reaction to that situation 110; identification with inner states (ego) 117; Pathological Forms of Ego 118; collective ego 120; cooperation is alien to the E 123; ego in illness 124; illness can either strengthen or weaken the ego 124; The Collective Ego 125; ego shift from personal to collective 125; ego is schizophrenic/split personality 127; Emotions And The Ego 134; voice of ego…disrupts the body’s natural state of well–being 136; ego generated emotions 137; pain–body & ego are close relatives 173; whenever you get taken over by your pain–body and don’t recognize it for what it is, it becomes part of your ego 181; egoless state 206; (controlling perception 239); using other people for egoic reflection 255; human ego is final stage of universal sleep 292; E is necessary stage 292;
egoless state 206;
Einstein – 28; 83; 261
eliminating time = (end of) ego 207;
Eliot, T. S. – 131
emerging intelligence – 258
emotions – (see also ‘unhappiness’); "mind–made self comprised of thought and emotion that is the ego" 60; with awareness comes disidentificaiton from thoughts, emotions and reactions 117; The Birth of Emotion 131; emotion is your body’s reaction to the mind 132; instinctive response is body’s direct response to external situation (whereas) an emotion is the body’s response to thought 133; body cannot tell between actual situation and thought 134; Emotions And The Ego 134; negative emotion 134 & 136; positive emotions 136; ego generated emotions 137; deeper emotions are not really emotions but states of Being (love, joy, peace) 137; emotional memory 140; energy field of old emotional pain = pain body 140; N emotions and children 141–143; mental–emotional state emanates an energy field…that people can sense 162; the more narrowly the egoic view of yourself…you will see only the ego in (others) 188; looking “through” the ego in others 189; Ego and the Present Moment 200; prevent losing yourself in thinking/emotions/situations 252;
empowering – facing facts is always E 96
"enemy" – 12
Enlighten/–ment – "E" in wider sense/lessening of materiality 3; (related to salvation, end of suffering, liberation & awakening) 13; enlightened collectives 127; satori 177; realization 189;
entangled – (with form) 208;
enthusiasm – 278
ephemeral nature 209;
essence – inner E 4;
evil – only one perpetrator of evil…human unconsciousness 160;
evocation – p1
evolution – evolutionary transformation p1; crises tied to evolutionary leaps 20; evolving consciousness 100; evolutionary impulse of the universe 163; E of human consciousness 229;
evolutionary impulse – 265, 268; unprecedented influx of consciousness (now) on the planet 182;
existence – the whole is made of E and Being 277
expansion – = "outgoing, or outward movement" 288
expectation(s) – 225;
experience – experiencing, see perceiving; experience/experiencer 241+; lost in E/greatest (spiritual) impediment 243;
“falling in love” – most often an intensification of egoic wanting 88;
family – see parent(ing)
fear – 12; primordial fear 133; 136 (see unhappiness);
feeling – feeling offended 255; 'Feeling the Inner Body' 53;
female/feminine – feminine principle – 155; female form has greater openness and sensitivity 155; sacred feminine 157;
‘fight or flight’ – 133
flower/flowering (of consciousness) – first flower p1; 2; of human C p1; 288
forgiveness – to overlook/to look through 63; Jesus 116; only one perpetrator of evil…human unconsciousness—that realization is true forgiveness 160;
form – outer form 4; all things are vibrating energy fields 146; growth on level of F 210; F means limitation 211; consciousness is awakening from the dream of form 293; ego is identification with form/thought forms 22;
formless – 'formless one Life' that you are 208; use awareness of inner body to create space (leaves part of attention/consciousness formless) 252:
frustration – 202;
future – "egoless state cannot be a future goal" 206;
Gaia – 133
gaps – creating gaps in stream of thinking (through awareness of breathing) 243; noticing the gaps 253; G of alert attention = inner space 253; (gaps tied to) ability to enjoy life/connect with others 253
Genghis Khan – 47
genocide – 11
God – 15; 26; Being, Source, God 79; “God is love”/God is the One Life 106; 208; 220; traditional word for unmanifested Source 251; "stillness is language that God speaks" 255; concept of G vs. living reality of G 267;
Good – Good and Bad 195
Gnosticism – 16
grace – 259
greatness – idea of G a mental abstraction (of ego) 266, (true greatness based on) honoring the small things of present moment 266;
greed – 12
grievances – 'Reactivity and Grievances' 64; a long standing resentment is a grievance (see resentment);
group – identifying with a group 125;
growth – G on level of form 210;
Halevi, Y. – Israeli writer 72
happiness – happiness as a role vs. true happiness 95, (see also “unhappiness”); “don’t seek happiness” 96; secret of H 114;
hatred – 136 (see unhappiness)
Hawking, Stephen – 211–213; 279
healer – 211
Hinduism – 8, enlightenment 13;
hippie movement – 92
Hitler – 47
Holocaust – 11; 156
honesty – 66
human/humanity – evolution of H consciousness p1; H history 11; balance between human and being 104; (humanity) mind–possessed 130;
"I" – (see also “I Am” for contrast); mostly refers to primordial error/ego 27/60; original I–thought 29; I thought 50; the I thought needs the opposite thought of "the other" 60; the deeper “I” 81;
I Am – "I could feel my I Am–ness" 40; I am the awareness (of) attachment 46; can I sense the I Am that I Am? 79; I am life. I and life are one. 128; 242/243
ideas – (best ideas) in A New Earth = signposts 6; ideologies/belief systems 15; knowing yourself goes far deeper than the adoption of a set of ideas or beliefs 186;
identity/identification – (see also “story”); identify with outer form 4; ego trick to identify 8; conceptual identity 13; ego is identification with form/thought forms 22; I with objects 29; word "identification" Latin from "same" & "to make"... 35; Identification with Things 35; Identification with the Body 49; Gender 49; identify with illness/disability 51; sense of Beingness gets mixed up with form = definition of identification 54; (see also “story”); (I. and confusion) 90; disidentification 113; I with inner states (ego) 117; personal history (story) 117/118; identity and thoughts merge 121; identifying with a group 125; choose to step out of identification 182; let go of need to emphasize form identity 254; 283
illness – identify with illness 51; ego in illness 124; illness can either strengthen or weaken the ego 124; voice of ego…disrupts the body’s natural state of well–being 136;
illusion/illusory – The Illusory Self 27; if you recognize illusion as illusion it dissolves 28;
immortality – 127
impatience – 202
indifference – 3 states of egoic relationship are wanting, thwarted wanting and indifference 84:
inferiority – 86
inner body – I B awareness 248; I B not solid but spacious 250; 'Feeling the Inner Body' 53; inner body = life energy 53;
inner purpose (see also purpose); inner purpose concerns Being and is primary 258; I P is to awaken 258; dedication to inner purpose (can) change life circumstances 273;
inner space – 223; recognizing I S 233; creativeness comes out of 239; gap of alert attention = inner space 253;
insecurity – period of I may occur as result of dedication to inner purpose 274
inspiration – 2; 278
instinctive response – instinctive response is body’s direct response to external situation (whereas) an emotion is the body’s response to thought 133;
intelligence – of human mind 10; negativity is not intelligent (clever but not intelligent) 112; body’s intelligence 132; human I & universal intelligence 289;
intensity – need to understand difference between stress and intensity 290
Islam – Sufism came out of Islam 16;
Jesus – 2; humanity's early flowers 6; salvation 13; 23; 43; 61; 66; 79; 81; 89; 104; forgiveness 116; “be ye whole” 184; 191; 192; 215; 216; 220; 234; 254; 259; 267; 268
joy – (see also ‘true happiness) 2; 130
Joy of being – 40; 213; only true happiness 214; emanates from formless within you 214; who you are 214; 252;
Joyce, James – 131
Judaism – (see also 'Old Testament'); Hasidism & Kabala 16;
judgment – (see also "non–judgment")
Jung, Carl – 277
justify – J yourself 187
Kafka, Franz – 131
Karma/karmic action – mind is conditioned by the past (karma) 129; 271
Kasan – a Zen teacher and monk (story of sweaty hands) 94
KhmerRouge – 11
kingdom of heaven – 43 (joy of Being);
knowing yourself – (see also "Who am I?") time is greatest hindrance... 206; knowing yourself goes far deeper than the adoption of a set of ideas or beliefs 186;
Krishnamurti, J – 198
Lao Tzu – 14
language – (created by mind/limitations of ) 27
laws – laws, commandments & regulations are for those cut off from who they are/Truth 72
less – becoming "less" you become more 215; ego notion of "less than" 42;
life/Life – inner body = life energy 53; “God is love”/God is the One Life 106; One with Life 115; Life is the dancer and you are the dance 115; I am life. I and life are one. 128; words and concepts split life into separate segments that have no reality in themselves 128; 'formless one Life' that you are 208; dedication to inner purpose (can) change life circumstances 273;
light – 250
limitation (of form) 211
lose yourself – (prevent) losing yourself in thinking/emotions/situations 252; lose yourself to find yourself 254
loss – when you completely accept a loss you go beyond ego 40/41;
love – 2; 72; “love and do what you will” 72; see “falling in love”; true love (has no wanting) 88; “God is love”/God is the One Life 106; 130; “fallen in love” = pain–body match 149;
lover – (as role) 87
Mahaksyapa – 2 (disciple of Buddha who recognized message of flower > Zen)
maps – see signposts
marry/marriage – (two people) marry their pain–bodies 150
materialism – lessening of materiality 3; 228
maya – 9
“me” – (takes things personally) 123; “my life” 128;
'means to an end' – (not presence) 210
Memory – past lives in you as memories 140; emotional memory 140;
menstruation – and pain–body 155;
mental illness/disorder – 118
mind – (see also ‘thinking’/’thought’); "mind–made self comprised of thought and emotion that is the ego" 60; mind is conditioned by the past (karma) 129; (humanity) mind–possessed 130; emotion is your body’s reaction to the mind 132; mental–emotional state emanates an energy field…that people can sense 162; thinking mind cannot understand P and so often misinterprets it (as) uncaring, distant, (etc) 177; knowing yourself is to be rooted in Being, instead of lost in your mind 186; collective mind 230;
more – becoming "less." you become M 215;
naming – without naming N 239; (N = interpreting 239);
nationality – identity with 29
Nature – 277
Nazi Germany – 11
need – to emphasize form identity (let go of) 254
negativity – N is not intelligent (clever but not intelligent) 112; negative emotion 134; N emotions and children 141–143;
nervousness – 116
New Earth – 279
Nietzsche – 235; "least thing = best happiness" 246;
no–thingness – 218; 221
nonattachment – (an) aspect of true freedom & enlightened living 225;
nonjudgment – (an) aspect of true freedom & enlightened living 225;
nonresistance – key to greatest power 208; 224; (an) aspect of true freedom & enlightened living 225
“not enough” – fundamental error 109; ego’s unconscious core feeling 123;
Now – (examples of those that are one with the N 122); Ego and the Present Moment 200; The Paradox of Time 204; the space of Now is confused with what happens in that space 205; everything seems to be subject to time yet it all happens in the Now…that is the paradox 205; am I aware of the Now...? 252;
object consciousness 227;
obsessive preoccupation with things – 37
offended – feeling offended 255
one/oneness – 276; One with Life 115;
opinion – let go of (voluntarily asserting) & inner space arises 255
opposition (resistance) – 99
order – higher order 194; disorder in a person’s life…can be the opening into a higher order 196; cosmos (means “order”) 197;
"other" – (see separation) the I thought needs the opposite thought of "the other" 60; 74; (note; there are “others” in this manifest world, which is distinct from “otherness”);
outgoing movement (also "outward movement") – 288; (opposite and comes before "return movement" 284
outer purpose – concerns doing and is secondary 258; (in light of emerging inner purpose) 262; O P varies from person to person & is temporal 272; O P of universe 280
ownership – The Illusion of Ownership 42;
pain–body – (defined) 87; The Pain–Body 129; energy field of old emotional pain = pain body 140; Individual And Collective (pain body) 141; children’s pain body 141–143; DNA 143; people with heavy pain–bodies have a better chance to awaken spiritually 143; How The Pain–body Renews Itself 144; P–B is a semiautonomous energy–form 144; P–B’s dormant and active stages 145; How The Pain–body Feeds on Thoughts 145; psychic parasites 148; How the Pain–body Feeds on Drama 148; relationships and pain–body interactions 148; P–B passed from generation to generation 148; and physical violence 149; perpetrators and victims 149; (two people) marry their pain–bodies 150; Dense Pain–bodies 151; “activists” (actually enacting their P–B) 152; P–B and entertainment/the media 152; The Collective Female Pain–body 154; National and Racial Pain–bodies 157; Breaking Free of P–B 161; P–B can become fuel for consciousness 162; mental–emotional state emanates an energy field…that people can sense 162; The Pain–body in Children 169; in children usually manifested as moodiness, withdrawal, weeping fits or temper tantrums 169; parents wonder how to deal with their child’s pain–body 170–172; Unhappiness 172; P–B & ego are close relatives 173; Breaking Identification with the Pain–Body 174; “Triggers” (of P–B) 177; recognizing your P–B (& it’s) triggers 179; Pain–Body as Awakener 180; whenever you get taken over by your pain–body and don’t recognize it for what it is, it becomes part of your ego 181; Breaking Free of the Pain–Body 183; not the P–B, but your identification with it that causes suffering to you and others 183;
paradox – The Paradox of Time 204; earth is precious & insignificant 225; paradox of time: whatever you do takes time, yet it is always now 266; P of "greatness" 266;
paranoia – 118;
parenting – ‘Parenthood: Role or Function’ 97; parent’s compulsion to manipulate 98; disapproval/disappointment (of parent) 99; internalized voice of father or mother 100; conscious parenting 103; Recognizing Your Child 104; pain–body passed from generation to generation 148; parents wonder how to deal with their child’s pain–body 170–172
past – Carrying the Past 139; (see memory)
pathological ego – 109; Pathological Forms of Ego 118;
peace – ‘peace or drama’ 77; 130; if peace mattered to you more than anything else…188; of God 225; 235;
perception/perceiving – P requires time 206; P without naming 239; P reason why we don't see unity 276
personal/–ize/ing – (taking things personally)an error 73; P = reacting 99; personal history (story) 117; “me” 123; Zen master Hakuin (example where events are not personalized) 200;
personally – taking things P 255
physics – apparent
pity – 87
"poor in spirit" – 43
positive emotions – 136;
power – 12; grow in Presence power 78; nonresistance is key to greatest P 208;
Presence – 4; grow in Presence power 78; only P can free you of ego…78; P is prerequisite for any authentic relationship 84; Presence 164; Zen/satori is a moment of Presence 177; thinking mind cannot understand P and so often misinterprets it (as) uncaring, distant, (etc) 177; your P is more than capable of containing (your pain–body) 184; your very P 243
problems – “my P”/identity 87 (see story);
process of awakening – 259/260
psychoanalysis – 193
psychological time – (see time); psychological time vs clock time 207 & 265
purpose (primary, see also 'inner purpose') – to awaken is our P 210; inner purpose 257; (stated on page 261);
qigong – 159
quality – sense of Q 270;
Ram Dass – 100
Ramana Maharshi – 9
react/reaction/reactivity – 'Reactivity and Grievances' 64; with awareness comes disidentificaiton from thoughts, emotions and reactions 117; emotion is your body’s reaction to the mind 132; what matters to you (what your actions and reactions reveal) 186/187; react against the form (of) Now 208; reactivity 208;
reality – (see also Truth); words and concepts split life into separate segments that have no reality in themselves 128; is a unified whole 280
relationship – Presence is prerequisite for any authentic relationship 84; 3 states of egoic relationship are wanting, thwarted wanting and indifference 84: “romantic” R (role playing of who you want me to be) 88; authentic human interactions 91; R’s and pain–body interactions 148;
resentment – background R 113;
“rightness” – 111
roles – Role–playing–The Many Faces of Ego 85; Pre–Established Roles 90; social archetypes 91; role of adult 92; temporary roles 93; happiness as a role vs. true happiness 95; role of “how can I be myself” 108; why does the ego play roles > fundamental error “I am not enough” 109;
sadness – 136; (see unhappiness)
St. Paul – 56
salvation – (related to enlightenment, end of suffering, liberation & awakening) 13;
Sartre, Jean–Paul – 119
schizophrenia – 118; ego is schizophrenic/split personality 127;
self–concept –(dynamics of/ positive and negative) 86;
self–enhancement (see self–interest)
self–esteem – true self–esteem and true humility arise are one and same 109
self–interest – cleverness motivated by self–interest 112; all egoic motivations are self–enhancement and self–interest 98;
sense – Can I sense inner space/Presence that I Am? 251;
separation – (otherness) 74; sense of separation 111; words and concepts split life into separate segments that have no reality in themselves 128;
Shakespeare – 107
shyness – 86
signposts – ideas (words) 6; "finger pointing to the moon is not the moon" 70; religious teachings are signposts 71;
sin – "miss the mark"/"miss the point" 9: 22;
singing – 229
situation (life situation) – prevent losing yourself in thinking/emotions/situations 252; dedication to inner purpose (can) change life circumstances 273;
solidity of matter is an illusion 250
Source, the – 22; 26; 276; 282
Soviet Union – 11
space/spaciousness – 101; 216/217; S consciousness 227; recognizing inner S 233; S between thoughts 233; creativeness comes out of 239; create space (via attention on breathing) 244; inner and outer space 250; space = stillness 255;
“special” – 120; refrain from 217;
spirit – traditional word for consciousness 242; in ancient times breath was equated with S. 245;
spiritual – true S practice is eliminating time & therefore ego 207; awaken spiritually (when) compulsive/unconscious naming ceases 240; (beware of) spiritually–sounding concepts 186;
spiritual practice – work as spiritual practice 121; elimination of time from your consciousness/elimnatin of ego is only true spiritual practice 207; (specific given – 215)
spirituality – difference between S and religion 17; (not based on thoughts/beliefs) 17;
Stalin – 47
states of Being – (see Beingness); deeper emotions are not really emotions but states of Being (love, joy, peace) 137; states of Being can be obscured, but they have no opposite 137;
stillness – 218; 255; "language that God speaks" 255; space = stillness 255; we cannot become aware of S through thinking 256; when you are still you are...beyond your temporary (human) existence 256;
story – (identity) 87; 115; personal history 117; (past living in you as memory) 140;
stress – 202; 257; need to understand difference between S and intensity 290;
structure of ego – 34
struggle – 209; 258
success – (defined) 270;
suchness – 198
Sufi – Sufism came out of Islam 16; 223
Suffering – conscious suffering – 101; you need to say yes to S before you can transcend it 103; 110;
Superiority – 86
surrender – S'ed state of consciousness 211;
survival – 209
sympathy – 87
synchronicity – 277
Tacitus (Roman philosopher) – 274
taking things personally – (sign of ego) 68
t’ai chi – 158/159
Taoist/Tao Te Ching – 14; 216; 268
teachings – see signposts
television – 230
thought/thinking – (see also ‘mind’); ego is identification with form/thought forms 22; "mind–made self comprised of thought and emotion that is the ego" 60; with awareness comes disidentificaiton from thoughts, emotions and reactions 117; identity and thoughts merge 121; most people’s thinking is involuntary, automatic and repetitive 129; thinking is (only) a tiny aspect of (total) consciousness 130; (certain) thoughts exist at a preverbal stage (= unspoken, unconscious assumptions) 135; T’s consist on energy vibrating at a higher frequency 146; thinking mind cannot understand P and so often misinterprets it (as) uncaring, distant, (etc) 177; who you think you are is (tied to) how you see yourself treated by others 190; rising above/falling below 229; thoughts 251; prevent losing yourself in thinking/emotions/situations 252; we cannot become aware of stillness through thinking 256; compulsive thinking 276;
time – The Paradox of Time 204; everything seems to be subject to time yet it all happens in the Now…that is the paradox 205; Eliminating Time 206; T is what the ego lives on 206; T is a mind–structure (good) for perception/practical purposes 206; T is greatest hindrance knowing yourself 206; T is horizontal (surface layer) dimension of life (see vertical d.) 206; eliminating T = (end of) ego & only true spiritual practice 207; clock T vs. psychological T 207; clock time vs. psychological time 265; paradox of time: whatever you do takes time, yet it is always now 266;
transience – of all forms 225;
transform – Urgency of Transformation 20; presence T what you do 210; transformation 280;
true spiritual practice – is eliminating time & therefore ego 207;
uncertainty – period of U may occur as result of dedication to inner purpose 274; can live with and even enjoy U 274;
unhappiness – 95/96; (also see “happiness”); 112; The Background Unhappiness 112; U is an ego–created mental–emotional disease 110; 136 (anger, fear, hatred, sadness, etc.); Unhappiness 172;
unity – (web of interconnected multidimensional process) 276
universal intelligence – 194
Upanishads – 219
upset – 187
using other people for egoic reflection 255
values – what matters to you (what your actions and reactions reveal) 186/187;
Van Gogh, Vincent – 26
vertical dimension of life = depth, accessible through (the Now) 207; 211
victim – (role) 87; 120; pain–body & perpetrators/victims 149;
villain – (role) 87;
violence – 120, pain–body and V 149; V films (& pain–body) 152–154; only one perpetrator of evil…human unconsciousness 160;
Voice in the Head, The – 30+
want/wanting – 'Wanting: The Need for More' 46; 3 states of egoic relationship are wanting, thwarted wanting and indifference 84:
war – First World War/etc. 10; W is a mind–set 74;
what am I?/what you are (see who am !? below)
whole – “be ye therefore whole” 184; the universe is an indivisible whole 196; only the whole is true, but cannot be spoken or thought 281
who am I?/ Who you are – (see Being/Beingness, states of Being); misperception of who you are 27; ultimate truth of who you are is not I am this or I am that, but I Am 57; laws, commandments & regulations are for those cut off from who they are/Truth 72; Beyond Ego: Your True Identity 77; can I sense the I Am that I Am? 79; congratulate people (who say) “I don’t know who I am anymore” 90; confusing role/pattern of behavior with who you are 91; role of “how can I be myself”/”But I don’t know who I am” 108; Life is the dancer and you are the dance 115; thinking is (only) a tiny aspect of (total) consciousness, the totality of who you are 130; love, joy and peace that are aspects of your true nature 137; timeless and formless Presence 140; neither their unhappy story nor the emotion they feel is who they are…they realize they are the knowing, not the known 182; Finding Who You Truly Are 185; most fundamental question: Who am I? 186; knowing yourself goes far deeper than the adoption of a set of ideas or beliefs 186; knowing yourself is to be rooted in Being, instead of lost in your mind 186; Who You Think You Are 186; know who you are not 189; who you are requires no belief…in fact, every belief is an obstacle 189; who you think you are is (tied to) how you see yourself treated by others 190; Knowing Yourself and Knowing About Yourself 192; I and the present moment are one 203; formless one Life that you are 208; joy of being 214; eternity is the living reality of who you are 220; who is the experiencer? 241; consciousness 241; (cannot be known as form 242); "that space is the reality that I Am" 242; physical body is misinterpretation of who you are 250; no longer confuse with temporary form of "me" 251; enter the body to go beyond it and find out we are not that 252; de–emphasize who you are on level of form 255; when you are still you are...beyond your temporary (human) existence 256; your primary purpose concerns not what you do but what you are 258;
withholding – whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world 190;
words – words and concepts split life into separate segments that have no reality in themselves 128; belong to world of form 251;
work – with and without ego 121; work as spiritual practice 121
world – separation between W and God dissolves 208; dream = play of forms = world 209;
wrong – ego isn't wrong it's just unconscious 42; 'Being Right, Making Wrong' 66;
yoga – 159
Zen – 2; 16; story of Kasan, a Zen teacher and monk 94; “don’t seek truth; just cease to cherish opinions” 121; story of Zen monks, Tanzan and Ekido 139; 224; 236 (can you here the stream?); satori 177; “each (snow) flake in its appropriate place” 194; Z master Hakuin (“is that so?”) 199;