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More About Karen

Spiritual Practice

A profound longing to know the Truth has followed me throughout my life. My devotion to the Dharma (teachings of Truth) has included numerous travels to India to learn from spiritual teachers, attending meditation retreats and satsang. India was an awaking in itself. My path, which has included indigenous practices, the Baha'i teachings, meditation and contemplation-disciplines have resulted in life-changing growth and numerous spiritual experiences. These experiences were diverse: Sometimes diving so deep into my fear I thought I would go crazy or die. Other times I went so far into the light and bliss that I didn't exist any more. My path has cut and sculpted who I am and how I view both this life and the Absolute. It has given me more depth and greater capacity for compassion. I continue working on becoming more fully human, for both myself and in service to others.


My greatest joy is my family: My husband, Kurt, is the love of my life, my partner, my greatest support and advisor, and my travel buddy. My three daughters are the dearest women in my heart and have given me the most amazing six grandchildren. Also, Kurt has brought into my life and heart his three children and two grandchildren, resulting in quite a large family.