An Intense Saturday
We are offering a one-day mini-intensive on July 19th, 2008 and we’re calling it "An Intense Saturday."
When? July 19th
Where? At our home in La Conner, WA Directions below. Email us for more information if needed.
Time? From 9 AM to 9PM. Folks arrive between 8 AM and 8:30 AM and we start promptly at 9 AM. (Special arrangements can be made for late arrivals…to a point.) We will have breaks, including a lunch break, dinner break and end at 9 PM.
Meals: Bring your own sack lunch and dinner will be potluck! Don’t worry about vegetarian. We will provide tea and snacks.
What? This is a mini-intensive, designed to keep us in tune during the summertime, when everyone is so busy with outdoor activities—yet dedicated to Truth. It is a "refresher," a "tune-up," an easy to fit-in-your-schedule intensive.
Who can come? Anyone who has already been at an Enlightenment Intensive and those who haven’t, but are interested in a serious day of contemplation. If you haven’t done this before, check with us
Format: Although this one-day intensive is not residential, we will be fairly formal regarding the rest of the schedule, the Enlightenment Technique, monitoring and the basics of an Enlightenment Intensive schedule. You will be following the basic rules of an Enlightenment Intensive.
Rules/Agreements: Basically the same as a regular Enlightenment Intensive. It is your responsibility to receive the rules/agreements from us, understand and agree to them prior to attending.
Cost: $25 basic fee plus we’re requesting a donation that goes to training of monitors and their expenses at intensives. This is your opportunity to contribute to the future of this noble endeavor.
Registration: Email us your name and contact information, your intention to come, along with a statement that you agree to follow the mini-intensive format, rules and directives of the master and staff. Fees are payable upon arrival. If you are new to intensives let us know and we’ll chat briefly over the phone.
Deadline: Please contact us by July 10th
Mark your calendar and make the necessary arrangements. We’re looking forward to your presence.